How To Book Private Swim Lessons

New here?

Browse available teachers as a guest. You’ll have the option to create an account before finalizing your booking.

Booked before?

If you have credits from a previous package, log in before booking. When booking, choose "Use Credits" on the "Choose Package" page (Step 3).

1. Choose Your Service

Select the swim lesson time increment you want and enter the address of your pool.

2. Select an Instructor

View profiles of swim instructors in your area. You can filter by skills, time of day, or date range. Once you find the right instructor, click "Book."

3. Pick a Lesson Package

Choose a single lesson or select a lesson package by selecting "recurring appointments." Set your preferred dates, times, and frequency for the lessons.

4. Review Your Booking

Check your order summary. Turn off any lesson times that don’t work for you. Add notes if needed, and decide if you’re okay with being matched to another instructor if yours is unavailable.

5. Complete Your Booking

Create an account or log in, add your payment information, and confirm your booking. You’ll receive a confirmation email once the instructor confirms the appointment.

Using Credits? Be sure to log in before booking to apply your credits. Check our step-by-step guide for more details on booking with package credits.