Watching, watching, watching…..
May is water safety month. Throughout the month of May (and beyond) we’ll be providing you with water safety content to help you and you families stay safe. Every summer on the news we hear a tragic story of a child who drowns in a family pool. All too often, this is because the adults thought another adult was watching. Unfortunately while we typically feel more eyes are better (and they can be!) this lulls us into a false sense of security. When there are children around, particularly babies, toddlers, preschoolers and new swimmers it is important to have a designated “Water Watcher”. This person is responsible for keeping their eyes on the pool and making sure all the swimmers are safe. The following are the responsibilities of the designated water watcher
Have something visible that designates the water watcher, so both children and adults know who is watching. A brightly visible lanyard is a great option for this!
Be sober. Often at backyard barbecues there is alcohol being served. It is important the water watcher is not impaired
Avoid ALL distractions, especially cell phones and earbuds.
Continuously scan the pool, making sure all children are still safe. Know how many children are swimming, and know when someone exits and reenters the pool.
Know where to find and how to operate emergency and rescue equipment. This could include a backboard, AED, etc
Call 911 and know how to administer CPR and first aid if needed
Do not go inside to the bathroom, for a quick drink, etc without designating another water watcher. Drowning often happens quickly, and silently.
When changing water watchers, hand another responsible adult the water watcher tag and say something like “I am no longer the water watcher. Sarah is now the water watcher”. Sarah should then say something in return like “Sally is no longer the water watcher. I have the tag and am now the designated water watcher” so everyone knows which adult is responsible for watching the pool.
We have partnered with Goudy Pools to provide water watcher tags this summer. Contact Coach Traci HERE to claim yours today.